"Method: if your words might lack credibility in some way, borrow the credibility of others by getting the testimony of trusted others. Use celebrities und public personalitis who have well established and trusted public brands. Use expercts, clerics, police, scientist and others whose t i t l e is respected, even if the people themselves are unknown. Use people who are like the people whose support you need. Get them to stand up and support your case with vigor. Get them on stage with you. Get them on TV shows and into political debates. Help with words, if you can (but do not alienate them by being too pushy).
Dicussion: Political parties know that a celebrity testimonial is worth many votes. They also make great use of testimonials from ordinary people to show that people like your and me. Advertisers, too, make great use of celebrities and credibly ordinary folks. Celebrity testimonials works when people associate with the celebrity, connecting identities together. With 'experts", listeners often do not know of their real credentials, yet still accept the expert's authority. They will seldom question this matter, particularly when the content distracts them from this questioning. Claims of expertise are thus often used to boost credibility of statements. Actors, perhaps unsurprisingly, often do testimonials particularly well. It is hence common to see actors supporting political parties and others who are using this method. Testimonials need not be true or honest. You can pay people to say pretty much anything, and some will be happy to say whatever you like for a suitable sum. Be careful about paying, even for genuine support, as if it is found out then it will devalue the testimonial and possibly be seen in a very negative way".
Dicussion: Political parties know that a celebrity testimonial is worth many votes. They also make great use of testimonials from ordinary people to show that people like your and me. Advertisers, too, make great use of celebrities and credibly ordinary folks. Celebrity testimonials works when people associate with the celebrity, connecting identities together. With 'experts", listeners often do not know of their real credentials, yet still accept the expert's authority. They will seldom question this matter, particularly when the content distracts them from this questioning. Claims of expertise are thus often used to boost credibility of statements. Actors, perhaps unsurprisingly, often do testimonials particularly well. It is hence common to see actors supporting political parties and others who are using this method. Testimonials need not be true or honest. You can pay people to say pretty much anything, and some will be happy to say whatever you like for a suitable sum. Be careful about paying, even for genuine support, as if it is found out then it will devalue the testimonial and possibly be seen in a very negative way".
Sono quindi citazioni o affermazioni pronunciate appositamente per supportare o rigettare una data politica, un dato provvedimento o un individuo. La reputazione e il ruolo (esperto, figura pubblica rispettata, ecc.) di colui che rilascia la dichiarazione vengono abilmente sfruttati. La testimonianza o il testimonial sono i garanti del messaggio propagandistico. Questo viene fatto nel tentativo di far sì che il pubblico si identifichi con l'autorità o che ne accetti le opinioni e le convinzioni in quanto tale e soprattutto a prescindere da una valutazione razionale dell'argomento proposto.
Diffuso sia in ambito religioso (testimonial di conversioni) sia politico. Si veda ad esempio il testimonial Einstein, talora fatto rientrare come diversi altri nelle "liste" cattoliche, laddove la sua visione del divino non include i dogmi cattolici, rivelandosi fondamentalmente lontana da tale impianto. Si consideri inoltre che i testimonial in genere sono competenti, famosi e "autorevoli" in e per discipline che poco o nulla hanno a che fare con l'oggetto della propaganda. Un po' come in uno spot sul dopobarba con George Clooney. Dove il dopobarba è la divinità e Clooney Einstein (*) . Sottolineo ed evidenzio che esistono identiche "liste" di derivazione atea. Da tale errore del ragionamento nessuno è immune.
Si veda al proposito il punto 49 del Menu "Ad Verecundiam", la fallacia logica che forse più di ogni altra disabilita il pensiero degli esseri umani, delegando il ragionamento, con conseguenze spesso nefaste.
(*) http://giovanniboaga.blogspot.com/2010/06/albert-einstein-sei-nella-lista.html